Avrasya is a fast and unique Node.js web framework designed for building web applications and APIs. Avrasya stands out with its simple usage, performance, and extensibility.
Simple and easy to use
Fast and performant
TypeScript support
Middleware support
Router support
Getting Started
To get started with Avrasya, follow these steps:
1. Initial your project
npm init
2. Add TypeScript dependency
npm install -D typescript
3. Install Avrasya
npm i avrasya
Create src folder and add index.ts file to src folder and add this code to index.ts file
Add this code to package.json file
3. Add this code to tsconfig.json file
4. Run your project
npm run start
5. Open your browser and go to http://localhost:3000
6. You can see this output
Hello World
7. Go to http://localhost:3000/users/1 and you can see this output
{ id: 1 }
8. You can see middleware output in terminal